Zippity-Doo-Dot Zipper Pulls Set



Here’s how to wear our braille charms in a way other than as jewelry…Zipper pulls! Available in sets of 2, choose either brass charms with gold tone clips, or aluminum charms with silver tone clips. Used them as pulls for zippers on jackets, backpacks, gear bags, baby bags, purses or totes, cosmetics bags, or just about anywhere. The clasp snaps through the hole at the end of a typical metal zipper, making it easier to grab, and lending a sweet sense of style to whatever you attach them to. The gold tone/brass sets are already embossed, but the aluminum sets are completely blank, ready for personalization. The charms are all about 1 inch at the widest point, and we can fit 4 Braille cells on each. If you select the custom option, be sure to fill in the edit field with your preferred word or initials. What a great “just because,,” gift or treat for your favorite Braille reader. We love these fun zipper pulls! Choose from the options below, as follows:

Goldtone/brass sets:
Butterfly/flower, Braille embossed with “dream/cherish”
Heart/heart, Braille embossed with “always/forever”
Leaf/leaf, Braille embossed with “spirit/hope”
Guitar pick/star, Braille embossed with “rock/star”

Silvertone/aluminum sets: Please specify up to 4 letters
Steel mini dog tag/steel mini dog tag

Zipper pulls, overall length, about 2 inches. Charms, about 1 inch wide.

Additional information


B03-17M-Brass Butterfly/Flower dream/cherish, B01-01M-Brass Heart/Heart always/forever, B08-08M-Brass Leaf/Leaf spirit/hope, B04-02M-Brass Guitar pick/Star rock/star, A01-01M-Aluminum Heart/Heart custom, A07-07M-Aluminum Disc/Disc custom, A05-05S-Steel Mini tag/Mini tag custom